Saturday, January 17, 2009

Join The Jury in Randy Singer's new Novel "The Justice Game"

Are there any Randy Singer fans out there? My Rep from Tyndale sent me the following email about his new book which will be released this summer.
  • In order to create excitement for his next release, Randy has created a video that will give readers an opportunity to vote on the outcome of the trial in his book. You will have the chance to view a short 5 minute video and then act as a member of the fury. Tandy's conclusion to the book will reflect the voting.
  • Please go to :, click on the button in The Justice Game banner and view the closing arguments in the case. Then render your verdict. It would be a great help if you'd be willing to forward this on to your friends and fellow book enthusiast.
I have not read any of his books yet. However, when I read his bio on the site above I was intrigued. Just for fun please respond to my blog and tell me who you think did it after you watch the video.

1 comment:

David L. Jackson said...

Great blog, thanks for the info