by Dinesh D'Souza
From the book jacket:
Is Christianity true? Can an intelligent, college-educated person really believe the Bible? Or do the atheists have it right? Has Christianity been disproven by science, debunked as a force for good, and discredited as a guide to morality?
Is Christianity true? Can an intelligent, college-educated person really believe the Bible? Or do the atheists have it right? Has Christianity been disproven by science, debunked as a force for good, and discredited as a guide to morality?
Bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza (What’s So Great About America) approaches Christianity with a skeptical eye, but treats the skeptics with equal skepticism. The result is a book that will challenge the assumptions of both believers and doubters and affirm that there really is, indeed, something great about Christianity.
“With scholarship and eloquence that reminds me of C. S. Lewis, Dinesh D’Souza addresses the urgent questions of our time, such as ‘Is Christianity believable in the face of the discoveries of modern science and modern scholarship?’ His answer is a resounding yes. More than a decisive refutation of atheist attacks, this is a powerful, affirming, genuinely exciting argument for Christianity. You may want to carry this one around with you.”
—Reverend Robert H. Schuller
D’Souza reveals:
Why Christianity explains the universe, and our origins, better than atheism does
Why Christianity and science are not irreconcilable, but science and atheism might be
Why the alleged sins of Christianity—the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Galileo affair—are vastly overblown
Why atheism is a demonstrably dangerous creed—and a cowardly one
Why evolution does not threaten Christian belief
Why atheists fear the Big Bang theory
Why Christianity is the ultimate defense of man’s free will
Why ultimately you can’t have Western civilization—and all we value from it—without the Christianity that gave it birth
Provocative, enlightening, a twenty-first-century successor to C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, Dinesh D’Souza’s What’s So Great About Christianity is the perfect book for the seeker, the skeptic, and the believer who wants to defend his faith.
“Responding to the current epidemic of atheist manifestos, Dinesh D’Souza applies just the right balm for the troubled soul. Assembling arguments from history, philosophy, theology, and science—yes, science!—he builds a modern and compelling case for faith in a loving God. If you’re seeking the truth about God, the universe, and the meaning of life, this is a great place to look.”
—Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Institute
Talk about a challenge!! I have to admit, I have had to rely on my dictionary regularly!! However- the information in this book is very compelling and neccesary knowledge for a Christian who wants to be able to defend his/her faith in today's society. Not light reading, but worth the effort.
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