1. Full of high-spirited gaiety; jolly.
2. Marked by or offering fun and gaiety; festive: a merry evening.
3. Delightful; entertaining.

Christ-follower, wife, mom, mother-in-law in central Georgia reviews books, and share insights into God's Word from personal experiences. Readers are encouraged to comment and dialogue with other believers in Jesus Christ.
You have already proven yourself very capable, even in our short time together. And besides, you have judged many throughout your life. You have judged the actions and even motivations of others, as if you somehow knew what those were in truth. You have judged the color of skin and body language and body odor. You have judged history and relationships. You have even judged the value of a person's life by the quality of your concept of beauty. By all accounts, you are quite well-practiced in the activity. . .
. . .By what criteria do you base your judgments?. . .
. . .Judging requires that you think yourself superior over the one you judge. . .
There is more about judgment in this chapter that is worthy of thought and. . .All his judgments had been superficial, based on appearance and actions, things easily interpreted by whatever state of mind or prejudice that supported the need to exalt himself, or to feel safe, or to belong. . .
"All I want from you is to trust me with what little you can, and grow in loving people around you with the same love I share with you. It's not your job to change them, or to convince them. You are free to love without an agenda." p. 181
"Ironically, true intimacy is probably also one of our greatest fears. Most of us spend a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money creating an image of ourselves to sell to the world around us--an image based on what we would like to believe about ourselves, if we didn't know better. An image more acceptable, we hope, than the unlovely self we are sure would be rejected if it was discovered. Fearing to be truly known, we hoist an image and carry it before us like a shield , protecting the vulnerable, tender inner core in which we truly dwell. The more we succumb to this fear, the deeper we descend into isolation and the more convinced we become we must hide the "awful truth" about our deepest selves."