Thursday, November 5, 2009

What does it mean to be subject to a king?

Having grown up in America and governed by a democracy, the idea of being ruled by a king is a foreign concept. Americans are very focused on our rights, which are protected by our constitution and law. Life in a kingdom is very different. The subjects of a king have no rights. The king is the authority and what he says is the law.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Breath of Fresh Air and a Drop of Cool Water

If you have ever experienced the refreshment of a cold drink and a cool breeze when you are tired and weary you will understand how I felt this week as the Lord poured out His Spirit at The Savior's Touch and at First Christian Church.
On Thursday of this week the store hosted a Pastor's Breakfast in the morning and a Woman's Bible Study in the evening. Then on Sunday morning our congregation enjoyed a challenging, encouraging and expertly delivered message by our new minister, Wesley Bolden. We have not had a full time pastor in three years and hearing Wesley preach I am convinced that God sent him and it was worth the wait.
At the Pastor's Breakfast, I learned about innovative ministries going on in the community that I had been completely unaware were happening.
  • Life and Peace - is bringing arts and enrichment to the young people of Milledgeville through a free program called "Campus Club"
  • Church Central - is feeding the hungry every Tuesday at lunch time.
  • Westview Baptist - is working on an interactive Christmas Program and pastor Jody Branch and his wife, Leeann, are at work with Milledgeville Players trying to influence the group to make its offerings more family friendly. Jody hopes that the Christian Community will support the Smoke on The Mountain Show which is decidedly more family friendly than The Players usual fare and will make an impact if it is well received. For tickets to the show please contact Allied Arts.
The meeting ended with a discussion about the need for working together to build the kingdom of God. Because these ministries do not take place during the traditional Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening time frames it is possible for brothers and sisters of Our One Lord Jesus Christ to join with members of a different congregation and use their talents and abilities in ways that will build the citywide church.

The Woman's meeting was led by Brenda Warren of Living Word of God Church. The study of the book of Ephesians dealt with Walking Like a Woman of Grace. We covered Chapters 1 -4 and scheduled the conclusion for November 19th.

This meeting also ended with a discussion about how brothers and sisters of Our One Lord Jesus Christ need to work together to make the fellowship of believers relevant before we loose the younger generation.

On Sunday morning Wesley challenged the body at First Christian to make the Kingdom Commitment to use the power and permission given by our King to remove the Spiritual Forces of Evil (hatred, division, greed, prejudice and lust) from our lives and claim the victory that has already been won.

God is so good!! And all His children say, "Amen"