Thursday, November 5, 2009
What does it mean to be subject to a king?
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Breath of Fresh Air and a Drop of Cool Water
On Thursday of this week the store hosted a Pastor's Breakfast in the morning and a Woman's Bible Study in the evening. Then on Sunday morning our congregation enjoyed a challenging, encouraging and expertly delivered message by our new minister, Wesley Bolden. We have not had a full time pastor in three years and hearing Wesley preach I am convinced that God sent him and it was worth the wait.
At the Pastor's Breakfast, I learned about innovative ministries going on in the community that I had been completely unaware were happening.
- Life and Peace - is bringing arts and enrichment to the young people of Milledgeville through a free program called "Campus Club"
- Church Central - is feeding the hungry every Tuesday at lunch time.
- Westview Baptist - is working on an interactive Christmas Program and pastor Jody Branch and his wife, Leeann, are at work with Milledgeville Players trying to influence the group to make its offerings more family friendly. Jody hopes that the Christian Community will support the Smoke on The Mountain Show which is decidedly more family friendly than The Players usual fare and will make an impact if it is well received. For tickets to the show please contact Allied Arts.
The Woman's meeting was led by Brenda Warren of Living Word of God Church. The study of the book of Ephesians dealt with Walking Like a Woman of Grace. We covered Chapters 1 -4 and scheduled the conclusion for November 19th.
This meeting also ended with a discussion about how brothers and sisters of Our One Lord Jesus Christ need to work together to make the fellowship of believers relevant before we loose the younger generation.
On Sunday morning Wesley challenged the body at First Christian to make the Kingdom Commitment to use the power and permission given by our King to remove the Spiritual Forces of Evil (hatred, division, greed, prejudice and lust) from our lives and claim the victory that has already been won.
God is so good!! And all His children say, "Amen"
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sharing Ideas
I promised her that I would solicit your knowledge through the wonders of modern communication. We invite you to post your responses here. And thank you in advance for your help!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Encouraging Words from the Bible for these Troubling Economic Times
Both the owners and the gods are bowed down. The gods cannot protect the people
and the people cannot protect the gods. They go off into captivity together. v 2 (NLT)
Many are wringing their hands in desperation, imprisoned by hopelessness and fear. Some have even taken their own life to escape from a future without the financial stability they had relied on for their security.
Even the children of the One True God have served these gods in varying degrees. I spent six years in the Financial Services Industry encouraging people to "protect their future" with investments and insurance. While these instruments can be useful it is imperative that they do not become the source of our security. We have been caught up in the culture and have been led astray from our dependence on our True Source.
Listen to me descendants of Jacob, all of you who remain in Israel. I have cared
for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be
your God throughout your lifetime -- until your hair is white with age. I made
you and I will care for you. v 4 (NLT)
Believers in Jesus Christ have been grafted into the one true vine. We can receive the inheritance promised to the descendants of Jacob.
We will have hardships and trials, but we can depend on our God to carry us through, until the day He calls us home. We have a great hope and nothing to fear.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tickets, Tickets, Tickets
- Beth Moore Simulcast at Grace Fellowhip Church in Greensboro
- Gospel Sing at the Plaza in Eatonton
- Sweet Life Dessert Comedy Theatre also at Grace Fellowship

For more information visit our facebook page.
Monday, July 13, 2009
International Christian Retail Show
Ann Graham Lotz
Karen Kingsbury
Don Piper
Josh McDowell
Joe Gibbs
Randy Singer
and others
This afternoon we also saw some awesome gift items. Unfortunately, they don't give away as many free "samples" on that end, but we did find some great new product for purchase for Christmas.
Click here to view my Facebook pictures for the show-
Watch for Sterling Grace jewelry ( ) arriving November 1st.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
THE AMERICAN PATRIOT'S BIBLE - The Word of God and the Shaping of America, NKJV

I firmly believe that God has blessed America because we were a Christian nation and I fear what will happen in the future as our nation moves further and further from standards of Christian morality and faith. This Bible may serve as a reminder and a challenge of our duty as citizens to defend our faith in the public arena. It has certainly caused a passionate debate on many of the review sites.
Recently, I was made painfully aware of my inability to defend my belief in our Christian Heritage when a relative challenged me. I am glad to have this information at my fingertips in the future.
This would be a good volume for reference while studying American History if presenting a Christian Worldview is important to you.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

This 366 day daily devotional challenges, encourages and teaches readers to abide in Christ. The author invites the reader to share with her the messages that Jesus has impressed on her spirit as she has developed the habit of quietly listening to His still small voice. His invitation the trust Him completely and to be thankful for His loving care becomes an overarching theme throughout. Each message is followed by recommended Scriptures that give authority to the messages.
When I first received this book, I read the first three months in one sitting and finished it the next day. Now I am looking forward to going back through it one day at a time and reading the recommended Scriptures and journaling as I go. I feel compelled to seek the closeness that the author enjoys with my Savior and am thankful that she has shared her journey with me.
This book would make an excellent gift for someone who is going through a difficult time. In fact, I will have to purchase a new copy because I gave mine away when I learned that my friend's elderly mother has quit eating and will probrably be going home soon.
Many thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishers for their Book Review Blogger program
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Principle of The Path by Andy Stanley

WARNING-If you do not want to be challenged to re-evaluate the choices you have made and are making DO NOT READ this book. If you do read you will no longer be able to blame anyone but yourself for the consequences of you actions. You will make choices with your eyes wide open. I have made choices that I regretted and wondered, "How did I deceive myself into believing that these were good choices?" Now I know.
Andy Stanley does a masterful job of teaching individuals how to use their heads instead of being led by the deceitfulness of their hearts. He uses humor and storytelling to lead the reader to a clear understanding of the inescapable principles at work behind every decision. He includes a study guide to further enhance the readers grasp of the principles and to help apply the principles to life.
Many thanks to Thomas Nelson and their Book Review Blogger Program
Monday, April 27, 2009
"The Noticer" by Andy Andrews

"The Noticer" is one of those books that is so simple it is profound. The main character, Jones (not Mr. Jones, just Jones) changes the lives of everyone he meets by simply helping them to see things a little differently. Jones always appears at a choice moment and then is gone before you know leaving behind a new perspective that shines a new light on a problem and illuminates a path of greater understanding that leads to a better outcome.
The book was engaging and easy to read and left me feeling hopeful, thoughtful and encouraged. From the first paragraph I was convinced that this was a book I really needed to read. I was feeling discouraged and frustrated and realized right away that a new perspective could make a difference and it did. Jones was very mysterious and the reader is left with questions about exactly who he was supposed to be. But he was very much someone I would hope to meet and be glad to know. Perhaps I could be Jones to someone I know.
The characters that Jones meets and helps with his unique perspective were easily recognizable types the reader can identify with and thus profit from Jone's message. Many elements/lessons in the book were very familiar, but were pulled together in the book for a greater impact.
I am a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program The program provides free books in exchange for posting blogs after reading them. Check it out at
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Review of The Word of Promise Next Generation CEV New Testament

- Anna Sophia Robb
- Corbin Bleu
- Emily Osment
- Cody Linley
- Sean Astin
- Jordin Sparks and
- Marshall Allman
With book introductions by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado.
The 75 minute "behind the scenes" DVD includes interviews with the stars. I found it very encouraging to hear the cast members describing their individual relationships with Christ. Each one spoke of the importance of being faithful to His Word and the value of dependence on God. Each one seemed genuinely thrilled to be working on a project with a strong spiritual value and potential to change lives. I hope that the project will have a powerful and long-lasting impact on their lives as they are in many ways the leaders and spokespersons for the next generation.
The quality of the product was excellent as well. The sound effects did not overpower the words but nicely complemented the text making it come to life and adding interest.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
We (David and Deborah and Danny and Theresa) want our friend to get to know each other through the wonders of technology. Through our soon to launch web site, Facebook, our blog, email and a new medium called twitter we can share what is going on and pray for each other in real time! Amazing!
Are you launching a new Bible Study, having a guest speaker or musician, or putting on a special holiday program? Let us help you spread the word. Imagine having to set a capacity cap instead of hoping people will come!
You are invited to join our community by becoming a "fan" of our Facebook page. Once a "fan" you will be notified by email whenever a new item is posted. You can visit our page and post a notice about your event and our entire community will see it!
We will also use these avenues to inform you of special promtion in the store and will post coupons and special prices and sales.
I want to thank all of our wonderful customers for a blessed two years and look forward to getting to know all of you better in the years to come.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Join The Jury in Randy Singer's new Novel "The Justice Game"

Are there any Randy Singer fans out there? My Rep from Tyndale sent me the following email about his new book which will be released this summer.
- In order to create excitement for his next release, Randy has created a video that will give readers an opportunity to vote on the outcome of the trial in his book. You will have the chance to view a short 5 minute video and then act as a member of the fury. Tandy's conclusion to the book will reflect the voting.
- Please go to :, click on the button in The Justice Game banner and view the closing arguments in the case. Then render your verdict. It would be a great help if you'd be willing to forward this on to your friends and fellow book enthusiast.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
God Will Provide ENOUGH in 2009

The New Year got off to a great start at The Savior's Touch. On Saturday, January 3rd, 2009 we were blessed to host a book signing for "He Came With a Message" by local author Sherri Prestwood.
The book is about the young man in the picture, Chad Thomas. At seven years old his spinal cord was injured when an intern in the recovery room tried to give him a spinal block instead of an epidural to reduce his pain after surgery.
Twenty months later he was involved in a serious car accident in which his sister was killed and he was thrown from the car and skidded across the pavement on his face breaking every bone in his face.
Chad is now seventeen and has had more than forty surgeries. Through it all he and his family have survived and flourished largely because of their strong faith and trust in God. The title of the book comes from an incident that occurred during a hospitalization following the spinal cord injury. Late one night an unknown visitor and his wife came to his room and prophesied that he would be alright and that God would provide for him and use him for God's glory.
On the night before the book signing the Sherri called me to break the news that they only had 60 books available for our event. Despite the fact that they had done everything humanly possible to get their shipment of 300 books in time for the signing they would not arrive until Monday. I assured her that God was in control and that all we could do was all we could do and it would be OK. I had 3 books in stock and received 6 more in my Friday order. We decided that if we ran out we would take orders and deliver the signed books next week.
I thought that 60 books would be a gracious plenty because it far exceeded the number of books that were sold at previous book signing that we have hosted.
The signing was scheduled to begin at 10am and finish at 4. When Sherri, Chad and Chad's parents arrived at 10 am there were people already at the store waiting for them. There were people waiting buy books and to speak to them all day long. At five minutes before 4 they signed their last book!
The story brings to mind the story of Gideon in the Bible whose army was reduced from thousands to a few hundred so that it would be obvious that the victory belongs to Him.